She's definitely a weird, out of touch person who has no real idea what she's talking about.

She definitely is not at a level where she should be selected to public office.


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Thank you sir, for modeling intelligence and integrity.

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I live in Virginia, but I donated to your campaign. Vote Blue!💙

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Mr. Hammer,

Thank you for writing clearly and concisely. That alone, almost regardless of policy, makes me trust that you can think clearly and thus will make Congress better.

Tom Diehl

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To be clear, when they talk about abortion occurring “after birth,” they’re not just spewing the regular, fact-free nonsense. They are talking about using state power to interfere with families facing end of life decisions for an infant born with a fatal condition and sometimes only minutes or hours to live. In a compassionate country, these families are allowed to consult with a doctor and make a decision for their child based on their personal faith and values as a family. And many choose, rather than aggressive intervention and hooking this tiny person up to machines to struggle and be in pain for the few hours they have together, to opt for comfort care, a private room, and the chance to snuggle and love this little person while they can. That’s what they’re talking about, what they want to interfere and dictate to families facing the most heart breaking moment of their lives. They’re ghouls and they need to keep this nonsense out of our hospital rooms and out of families’ private health care decisions.

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No matter how you cut it, abortion is not a nice thing. Most are not born out of incest or rape. It is abhorrent and a multimillion dollar industry. Can we not come together and figure our a better mode of helping women who are pregnant and taking on responsibility as community? Naw. we've become far too self centred. Talk to someone who was a product of abortion and survived. Ask them if they regret living. They don't!

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Regards "out of touch examples": suggest consistently hammer on the same 3 to 6 (intrusively abhorrent) actions from project 2025.

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