Your writing is CLEAR and Superb! I will post a link on FB in hopes others will take the time to HAVE THEIR EYES OPENED!

I live in MD but still support you because of WHAT YOU STAND FOR! All the Best!

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Believe all you have to say and know my Republican family are turning over in graves. However I can't vote for you so will not subscribe or donate as have to support candidates here in NH where the Republican ideologues have gained ground. Good luck on representing your people.

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Agree, save for one troubling inconsistency: the Dems seem to increase "defense" spending just as much as the GOP.

Frankly, I dislike the term "defense" as a descriptor in this context. The Vietnam war was not defense. Our illegal invasion of Iraq was not defense.

Let's call it like it is. War spending.

The DOD was formerly the War Department.

Let's get honest!

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